McDermott Law, LLC

Why would a long-term disability claim be denied?

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Shawn E. McDermott

There are all kinds of reasons why your long-term disability claim could be denied despite the fact that you deserve it. Usually, these LTD denials happen early in the initial stages of a claim, but they can happen later, too.

Unfortunately, after being denied, you could have a long appeals process ahead of you. That’s why it’s a good idea to put together a detailed application to begin with. Having the right medical documentation and information to help you qualify with the initial application is essential.

A lack of medical evidence is a common cause for disqualification

You could be disqualified from getting LTD if you don’t offer enough supporting evidence of your injuries or illnesses. For example, you may need LTD for a serious back injury, but if you don’t provide the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test from your most recent visit to see your medical provider or aren’t thorough about providing X-rays or other scans, you could find that your application is denied based on insufficient medical evidence.

The best thing you can do for yourself is to make sure you have as much medical documentation as possible. A single reference and test won’t be enough. You’ll need to have your doctor’s statement, medical tests, second opinions and other documentation to build up a case. Essentially, you want to have as much evidence of your injuries or illness as you can collect to prevent any arguments about the state of your health.

What do you do if you’re denied?

If your claim is denied, you need to first determine what the reason for that denial was. If the denial is linked to a lack of evidence, you need to appeal with more evidence. If your denial was due to mistakes on the application, you need to fix those errors before your case is going to be able to move forward.

This process can be long, but with the right help and support, you can make your appeal and look into ways that you can get your LTD application approved. With an approval, you’ll be able to relax knowing you have the financial support you need.

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