McDermott Law, LLC

When cognitive impairment prevents you from working

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Shawn E. McDermott

People who suffer from cognitive impairment often live in a world of uncertainty. They have difficulty thinking, understanding, learning, making decisions and remembering. Cognitive disabilities can be caused by a number of things, including traumatic brain injury, physical illness such as diabetes and heart disease, mental illness such as anxiety disorder and depression, prescribed medication, substance abuse and family history.

Types of cognitive impairment include autism, dyslexia, attention deficit syndrome and the aftermath from a traumatic brain injury. Cases range from mild to severe and almost always prove problematic in completing day-to-day activities, including work. Cognitive impairment may prevent you from completing job tasks, thus, potentially qualifying you for long-term disability benefits.

Emergency workers, ag workers susceptible

Workers in certain fields may be more susceptible to cognitive impairment. Here are a couple points that address this subject:

  • Workers who regularly deal with hazardous chemicals such as pesticides may be at risk of cognitive impairment. The disability, though, may not surface until years after the initial exposure.
  • Agricultural workers, military conflict veterans and emergency workers such as police officers, firefighters and paramedics are among the people at risk of cognitive impairment. Work-related stress often is the root cause.

A disruption in your work life affects your family in many ways, but mainly in the fact that you are no longer earning income to provide for them. Having long-term disability insurance can prove beneficial in this scenario when unable to work.

Promptly seek these benefits, but remember that insurance companies will thoroughly review your case in order to determine whether you qualify. And they are not often on your side as some insurance companies are swift with denying your claim.

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