McDermott Law, LLC

What qualifies as a short-term disability (STD)?

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Shawn E. McDermott

Many employers offer short-term disability (STD), a type of insurance that pays a portion of an employee’s salary when they are temporarily unable to work.

STD benefits are payable at about 50%-100% of someone’s pre-disability earnings. These benefits are either covered by an employer or a third-party insurance company. Are you wondering what ailments or injuries qualify for STD benefits? Here are some medical conditions that do — and some that do not — qualify for STD benefits:

Ailments and injuries that STD benefits may cover

Every policy can be unique, so you need to review your policy for specific exclusions, but you can generally expect them to cover:

  • Maternity leave: After giving birth, many women experience ailments like hormonal shifts, abdominal pain and rapid weight loss. Therefore, they need ample time to recover, about two months or longer.
  • Sprains: Suppose on a Saturday morning, you go jogging and then trip over a log. You sprain your ankle, which makes it impossible to work as a construction worker or any other action-based occupation for the next few weeks.
  • Medical surgery recovery: You recently had surgery involving the removal of your appendix. You will need to rest for about a couple of weeks before you can resume normal activities, including work.

Ailments and injuries that usually aren’t eligible for STD benefits

By the same token, most of the following will not be covered under the average disability plan:

  • Self-inflicted injuries: Some workers purposely hurt themselves in an attempt to get STD insurance coverage. It won’t work because an injury or illness has to be out of an individual’s control for them to qualify.
  • Work-related injuries: If you sustain an injury at work, workers’ compensation would take care of that, not STD benefits.
  • Cosmetic surgery recovery: Since cosmetic surgery is a voluntary procedure, recovery time isn’t eligible for STD coverage.

STD coverage is beneficial since you can miss work to recover from an illness or injury without worrying about finances. If you want more information regarding STD benefits, please seek legal assistance for guidance.

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