McDermott Law, LLC

What does an accidental death and dismemberment claim cover?

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Shawn E. McDermott

Even when workers in Colorado are as careful as possible, accidents can still happen. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to file an accidental death and dismemberment claim. It’s important to understand what is covered and what is not in this type of insurance policy.

What is accidental death and dismemberment insurance?

Accidental death and dismemberment insurance is a type of insurance that is added to a person’s health or life insurance policy. It is in place to cover the individual or their family in the event that they suffer an accidental dismemberment or death. For instance, if two people work in a factory and have an accident with a machine they regularly use and both end up losing fingers, they may have valid accidental death and dismemberment claims.

At the same time, these policies often have limited coverage, making it important to read all the terms of the policy. Events that are unlikely to happen are covered by the insurance.

What is covered by accidental death and dismemberment insurance?

People who suffer an unexpected event that results in dismemberment or disability such as loss of vision or hearing may be able to file accidental death and dismemberment claims. If a person dies from an unexpected accident, their surviving family members can also file a claim. There are certain periods, however, when benefits can be claimed, such as if a person suffers injuries from an accident and later dies. For the family to recover benefits, the individual’s death would have to occur within a specific time frame.

Generally, accidental death and dismemberment claims can be made when a death occurs due to unforeseen events. This can include an accident involving heavy machinery, car accidents, homicides, drownings, falls and exposure to the elements.

For dismemberment claims, the loss of a limb, partial or full permanent paralysis, blindness, hearing loss and speech loss are all covered.

What is not covered by accidental death and dismemberment insurance?

Of course, there are exceptions that are not covered by accidental death and dismemberment policies. Deaths from suicides, natural causes, overdoses and wartime injuries are excluded. If a person was injured while committing a felony, it’s also excluded.

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