McDermott Law, LLC

Qualifying and Applying for the Colorado PERA Disability Program (Pt. 1)

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Shawn E. McDermott

When the employees of public agencies get hurt, the Colorado PERA (Public Employees’ Retirement Association) Disability Program may provide them with essential benefits to help them recover and get back to work.

In this two-part blog series, we will provide you with an overview of the eligibility requirements for applying for the Colorado PERA Disability Program, as well as what you need to do to officially apply if you do, in fact, meet all of the essential requirements.

If you have questions about your eligibility for PERA or you are ready to move forward applying for the Colorado PERA Disability Program, contact the trusted Denver disability insurance lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC. We have the experience, skills and legal knowledge you can rely on to help you obtain the disability benefits you likely deserve.

Qualifying for the Colorado PERA Disability Program: The Eligibility Requirements

According to Colorado law, the following eligibility requirements must be met in order for an individual to be eligible to apply for benefits under the Colorado PERA Disability Program.

  1. Applicants must have at least five (5) years of earned service credit, and at least six (6) months of this credit must have been accumulated within the most recent membership period.
    Here, it’s important to point out that members of a Judicial Division, State Troopers and CBI agents are eligible to apply for benefits under the Colorado PERA Disability Program regardless of the amount of earned service credit.
  2. Applicants must not be eligible for service retirement.
  3. Applicants must have an active PERA DB plan account (i.e., applicants must not have withdrawn their accounts).
  4. Applicants must submit their Disability Program Application to the Colorado PERA Disability Program within 90 days of their termination date (this includes the final dates of any certified leaves of absence).

For our continued discussion of the Colorado PERA Disability Program, be sure to look for the second part of this blog series that will be published soon!

Denver, Colorado Disability Insurance Lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC

If you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with a debilitating condition, you will need an aggressive, experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and help you obtain the disability benefits you need and deserve.

With more than 30 years of combined legal experience, the Denver disability insurance lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC have been dedicated to helping injured individuals file disability claims, navigate through the complexities of the legal system, stand up to insurance companies and ultimately secure the maximum possible disability benefits for their injuries.

Let’s Talk – Contact Us Today

For more information about your legal rights and entitlements, along with a professional evaluation of your potential case, set up a complimentary consult with our lawyers by calling us at 303-964-1800 or by emailing us using the form on this screen.

From our offices in Denver, we provide the highest quality legal services to injured people throughout the state of Colorado.

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