McDermott Law, LLC


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Elimination Periods for LTD and LTC Policies: Here’s What You Should Know

If you have long-term disability (LTD) or long-term care (LTC) insurance, your policy will have what is known as an elimination period associated with it. Understanding what elimination periods for LTD and LTC policies are and how they can impact your current or future claims…

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Disability Insurance and ERISA: An Overview

If your disability insurance is provided through your employer, understanding how ERISA may impact your disability claim can be confusing. However, the following overview of how disability insurance and ERISA generally work together can provide you with some important insight as to what to expect…

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401(k) Disability Protection Programs

Some employers offer 401(k) disability protection programs for your 401(k) savings in addition to long-term disability (LTD) coverage. Traditional disability insurance replaces a portion of your working income if you become disabled. However, traditional LTD insurance does not provide the ability to set aside 401(k)…

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Your Approved Long-Term Disability Claim Has Now Vanished: What Now?

Today I want to write about a certain provision often found within a long-term disability policy that can significantly impact your ability to collect benefits. I am referring to the “limitation” provision(s) found within your policy, and specifically the catch-all limitations provisions which will limit…

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Qualifying and Applying for the Colorado PERA Disability Program (Pt. 1)

When the employees of public agencies get hurt, the Colorado PERA (Public Employees’ Retirement Association) Disability Program may provide them with essential benefits to help them recover and get back to work. In this two-part blog series, we will provide you with an overview of…

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Traumatic Brain Injuries: 6 Facts to Know When Applying for Disability Benefits (Pt. 1)

Traumatic brain injuries are among the various types of conditions that can make it difficult – if not impossible – for people to earn a living. While people living with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can apply for disability benefits to help them financially support themselves,…

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