McDermott Law, LLC


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Life insurance might still be payable after a suicide

McDermott Law recently helped a client settle a tragic case involving his wife’s death and the insurance company’s failure to pay on her life insurance claim. A young couple purchased life insurance to protect them if something terrible were to happen to the other. Less…

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Case Result: McDermott Law gets insurance company to pay long-term care benefits and more

McDermott Law recently helped a client settle a claim for insurance benefits against his mother’s long-term care insurance company. The facts of this claim were particularly egregious. In the early 1990s, the insurance company convinced our client’s mother to pay it money each month in…

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What qualifies as a short-term disability in your plan?

When you cannot work for some time, you need a backup plan to ensure your financial needs are met. That’s where a short-term disability (STD) insurance policy comes in – to provide a portion of your salary when you have a condition or injury that…

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Will short-term disability benefits start right away?

When you get hurt or develop a medical condition, you may need to take an extended leave of absence from work. Your entire family may struggle because of the sudden drop in household income. Having the right insurance coverage helps protect you and your loved…

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3 reasons companies refuse to pay out on life insurance policies

Life insurance is an investment in the security of your closest loved ones. You pay for a policy so that they can afford a funeral for you and so that they can maintain the same standard of living when you no longer contribute to the…

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3 common tactics used by deceptive disability insurance companies

You may have been paying your disability insurance premiums without fail, expecting that you will be covered if you are injured or too sick to work. However, it may not be the case. The insurance company may play hardball when it is time to meet…

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