Many people’s estate plans hinge on their life insurance policies. They expect the coverage they carry to pay for their funeral services and also to help their family cover basic living expenses. There are even some people who expect their life insurance policy to fund…
Most of us head to work each day with disability or injury being the last thing on our minds. While there is no need to obsess over the prospect of being unable to work, there is no harm in being prepared. Disabling conditions or injuries…
There are all kinds of reasons why your long-term disability claim could be denied despite the fact that you deserve it. Usually, these LTD denials happen early in the initial stages of a claim, but they can happen later, too. Unfortunately, after being denied, you…
A sore neck, lower back pain or back stiffness can all be early signs of an underlying spinal disorder. This can prove not only harmful to your health but can cause a multitude of struggles in your everyday life. Over time, additional conditions could develop…
There are many individual types of distracted driving, such as texting and driving or eating in the car. But there are three main types of distracted driving that are listed by the CDC. Understanding what these broad categories look like will help you know how…
McDermott Law recently helped a client settle a tragic case involving his wife’s death and the insurance company’s failure to pay on her life insurance claim. A young couple purchased life insurance to protect them if something terrible were to happen to the other. Less…
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