This office was once again successful on behalf of a client whose disability benefits were wrongfully denied. These long-term disability benefits governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and insured by MetLife, have now been reinstated. Ms. S suffered from bipolar disorder, and had been receiving benefits for several years before MetLife callously and without notice terminated her claim. In making its determination, MetLife ignored the clear opinions of Ms. S’s treating mental health care providers, and relied instead upon the opinion of an external reviewing physician who did not address the severity of Ms. S’s condition and did not take into account the letters written by Ms. S’s physicians.
Ms. S contacted our firm for assistance in preparing an ERISA long-term disability appeal. We obtained several pieces of supporting evidence in support of her disability, including opinion letters from her mental health care providers, demonstrating how and why the information MetLife had relied upon was incomplete and biased. After presenting this material in a coherent appeal for submission to MetLife, the adverse benefits determination was overturned and Ms. S’s long-term disability benefits were reinstated.
Our office will continue to oversee this claim for Ms. S with a goal to preventing a future denial of benefits.
If you need assistance in submitting a thorough, well-prepared ERISA disability appeal, or require assistance with a claim under your private long-term disability insurance policy, please contact the disability lawyers at the Law Office of Shawn E. McDermott.
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