McDermott Law, LLC

Life Insurance Claim Denials: When to Fight Back (Pt. 3)

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Shawn E. McDermott

Here is the conclusion to our blog series Life Insurance Claim Denials: When to Fight Back.

Be Prepared to Challenge Life Insurance Claim Denials When…

While people should be prepared to challenge insurers when claim denials have been issued due to the various reasons discussed in the first two parts of this blog, so too should they be ready to fight back:

4. When insurers allege that one or more premium payments were missed

When insurers try to issues life insurance claim denials based on allegations that one or more premium payments may have been missed, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Did you actually send the payment that insurers are alleging they never received?
  • Was the payment misprocessed by the insurers (but still accepted by the insurance company and deducted from your bank account)?
  • Were you somehow informed of a grace period for premium payments?
  • Are there any specific waivers that may have applied to you and that may excuse a late payment?
  • Did the insurance company actually accept late payments in the past without any issue?

If the answers to any of the above questions are “yes,” then you likely have grounds to appeal life insurance claim denials.

The Bottom Line: Don’t Accept Life Insurance Denials as the Final Word

The bottom line with life insurance claim denials is that:

  • People should not trust that insurers are always acting in good faith with their claims.
  • The reasons that insurers may provide for issuing life insurance denials may be inappropriate and/or immaterial.
  • Insurers are often counting on the fact that people will not fight life insurance claim denials.
  • The best way to stand up to life insurance claim denials and get the payouts you need and deserve from these claims is to work with Denver Life Insurance Attorney Shawn McDermott.

You Can Count on the Denver Life Insurance Lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC

Has you recently received life insurance claim denial? If so, you will need an experienced attorney who is ready to aggressively fight for your rights and help you secure the full amount of the payouts to which you are entitled. With more than three decades of combined legal experience, the Denver life insurance lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC have been dedicated to helping people stand up to insurance companies and ultimately obtain the maximum possible compensation.

Our extensive knowledge of the law, coupled with our experience, skills and dedication to our clients, makes our attorneys highly effective when it comes to advocating our clients’ rights and interests in any setting. When you choose to work with our respected legal professionals, you can rest assured that you are getting the best possible representation for your important legal needs and that you have the best chances of resolving your case as beneficially and efficiently as possible.

Let’s Discuss Your Options – Contact Us Today

For more information about your case and your best options for moving forward, set up a free, no obligations initial consult with our lawyers today by calling us at
303-964-1800or by emailing us using the contact form on this screen.

From our offices based in Denver, we provide superior legal service to people throughout Colorado.

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