McDermott Law, LLC

Left-Hand Turn Motorcycle Accidents in Colorado: What You Need To Know

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Shawn E. McDermott

One of the most dangerous situations for motorcycle riders involves other vehicles attempting to make left-hand turns in front of and/or in close proximity to the rider. In fact, researchers at the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) have found that, of all types of motorcycle accidents that involve other passenger vehicles, approximately 42% involve cars making left-hand turns in front of a rider when the rider:

  • Has the right-of-way to go straight through an intersection
  • Is passing straight alongside of or attempting to overtake the car

Some of the reasons that left-hand turn motorcycle accidents are so prevalent are that:

  • Drivers may not see, be aware of or be looking for motorcycle riders.
  • Riders can be easily obscured by other vehicles on the road or objects alongside of the road.

When a left-hand turn motorcycle accident occurs:

  • The driver who made the left turn will nearly always be held liable for the accident. As a result, the driver can be held accountable for the victim’s injuries and losses via a motorcycle accident lawsuit.
  • The amount of compensation to which riders may be entitled may be less if the rider was himself negligent in any way (for example, if the rider also was lane splitting at the time of the accident, was otherwise disobeying traffic laws, was riding while intoxicated, etc.).

Left-Hand Turn Motorcycle Accident Injuries in Colorado

Some of the specific types of injuries that riders may sustain when they are involved in left-hand turn motorcycle accidents can include (but are not limited to):

  • Head injuries (particularly if riders are not wearing safety or DOT-approved helmets at the time of the accident)
  • Mild to severe traumatic brain injuries (which can range from being mild concussions to being injuries that cause permanent brain damage)
  • Neck, back and/or spinal cord injuries
  • Bruising, cuts and/or burns
  • Loss of digits (fingers or toes), hands and/or feet
  • Partial or full loss of a limb
  • Severe nerve damage (which, in the worst cases, can result in paraplegia or quadriplegia)

Trusted Colorado Motorcycle Accident Lawyers At McDermott Law, LLC

The Denver motorcycle accident lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, have been aggressively defending the rights of motorcycle accident victims for more than 20 years. While our extensive knowledge of personal injury law helps us consistently build victims the strongest possible cases, our vast litigating experience empowers us to stand up to insurance companies and defense lawyers in any legal setting.

When injured riders trust us with their cases, they can rest assured that they will:

  • Have the best possible legal representation for their motorcycle accident claim
  • Be able to resolve their case as efficiently as possible
  • Ultimately secure the maximum possible settlement for their injuries, medical bills and other losses

Contact Us

You may have a personal injury case if you have suffered serious injuries (physical or emotional) as the result of another party’s negligence, accidental wrongdoing or strict liability. However, only a lawyer can determine if the facts of the case make it worth pursuing in court. The Denver personal injury and insurance dispute lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, can give honest legal advice to those who may have a case. For a case review, complete our contact form or call us at 303-964-1800 today.

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