Unfortunately, not all insurance claims find success right away. Sometimes, the insurance company will deny a claim over form errors or accidental mistakes. Other times, claims are denied because of doubt over the claimant’s disability.
If you receive a notice of denial, please do not give up. You have the right to appeal (often more than once) an insurer’s decision about your long-term disability (LTD) claim. Instead of viewing your denial as an impenetrable obstacle, consider seeing it as another chance to prove your eligibility.
When facing a long-term or lifetime disability, your savings and retirement plan might not be enough to secure your future. You may find yourself preoccupied with thoughts of the financial hardships to come. A successful appeal can resolve these issues and help you feel better about your financial future.
We recommend following these tips when appealing a claim denial:
Sometimes, it takes one or more appeals to begin receiving the benefits you need. If the insurer continues to deny your valid LTD insurance claim, consider learning more about Colorado disability claims from a reputable legal source.
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