McDermott Law, LLC

Documenting symptoms is crucial to a long-term disability claim

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Shawn E. McDermott

In a perfect world, you could simply fill out your application for long-term disability benefits and quickly receive the assistance you need. The reality is the application process can be long and complicated, especially if you have a condition that is likely to worsen over time.

When you’re making a claim under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the insurer will have many questions concerning how severe your condition is and when you started experiencing problems. Detailed documentation is essential to building a strong claim for disability benefits.

Tracking your symptoms

One way to track and document your systems is to keep a journal. Take notes every time you visit your doctor. Dates, treatments, and diagnoses should all be part of your record-keeping. It’s important to take down this information as soon as possible following your appointment while things are still fresh. Keeping your notes in chronological order can help you better track your condition. It’s also useful for your doctor when you keep detailed records. This can help provide better direction for your treatment options and provide more detailed records for the insurer.

If your initial claim is denied, you still have options

You may have filed for long-term disability as soon as you were aware of your condition. The insurance provider may have denied your claim for lack of documentation or another reason. If this is the case, you aren’t out of options. You have the right to appeal an initial decision, and you can provide additional supporting evidence as part of your appeal.

If your condition has worsened, you should make this fact clear. If your doctor has come up with a new or an additional diagnosis, include this fact in your appeal. A skilled legal professional can help guide you through this process to help you recover the benefits you deserve.

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