Be very careful what you post on your social media sites, such as Facebook and even LinkedIn. Everyone knows Facebook. We have previously posted about the dangers of exposing your personal life for all the world to see, because your disability insurance carrier exists in that world. LinkedIn is a professional networking and employment internet network that typically does not share as much personal detail as does an individual’s Facebook posting. But, it is just easily available for review by a disability insurance carrier.
Do not fool yourself: if you are an individual seeking or receiving long-term disability insurance benefits, the administrator or insurer of those benefits is mining the internet as part of its investigation process. Social media sites can be problematic. Posting comments or pictures of yourself engaged in various activities, even if you can only perform them on an extremely limited basis, will be interpreted as an ability of greater function than you likely have. Of course, those who participate in social media will tend to portray a more positive image of themselves than reality may reveal. A disabled individual must be mindful of their activities while in public, which includes the life they lead through social media. This can be difficult for those individuals who are not able to leave the house nearly as frequently as they once did. Oftentimes we hear that their only escape is through personal and social media contacts. This is completely understandable but must be tempered with the reality that big brother insurance company may be watching.
Disabled people travel too. You do not need to be confined to your bed or couch to be disabled from working. Travel overseas or across our borders can be fun and relaxing. Many people post pictures of their travel abroad for all to see. That can be a mistake if you are receiving disability benefits. Only recently a client of ours experienced a terminated of her claim solely on the basis of the extensive travel she and her family have done over the past year. While we maintain her disabled status is not changed because of these trips, it is an issue that now needs to be addressed. The insurance company only learned of these activities from the social postings of the individual.
Be careful of what you say and post.
Call 303-964-1800 or email our firm via the contact form on this page to learn more about your rights and options, as well as how McDermott Law, LLC can help you.
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