McDermott Law, LLC

Category Archives: Short-Term Disability Claims

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Disability Claims for Firefighters & Police Officers

Many firefighters and police officers in the state of Colorado enjoy the benefits of the Fire & Police Pension Association of Colorado (FPPA). The FPPA administers a state-wide, multiple-employer retirement system providing defined benefit plan coverage. In addition to pension benefits, death and disability coverage…

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May is Disability Insurance Awareness Month

Disability Insurance Awareness Month (“DIAM”) is a campaign started and sponsored by the nonprofit organization Life Happens. The first goal of the campaign is to encourage people to take the time to consider the reality of missing work for any period of time, and to…

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Independent Medical Exams (IMEs) for Disability Claims: What to Expect

When a claim is filed against a short- or long-term disability policy, the insurance company may request that the claimant attend an independent medical exam (IME). IMEs are basically a visit to a doctor selected by the insurer, during which the nature and severity of…

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Disability Benefits: Beware Facebook, Linkedin, and All the Rest

Be very careful what you post on your social media sites, such as Facebook and even LinkedIn. Everyone knows Facebook. We have previously posted about the dangers of exposing your personal life for all the world to see, because your disability insurance carrier exists in…

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Another Successful Short Term Disability Appeal to Cigna – and Grant of Concurrent Application for Long-Term Disability Benefits

The attorneys and staff at McDermott Law, LLC have prevailed again on an ERISAshort-term disability appeal to Life Insurance Company of North America (LINA) (underwriter of disability insurance policies for Cigna). Perhaps more importantly, our client also obtained an approval on her concurrent application for…

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3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Independent Medical Exams for Disability Claims

After filing a short- or long-term disability claim, you may be required by your insurance provider to attend a so-called independent medical exam (IME) (the more appropriate term is Insurance Medical Exam). IMEs are physical exams conducted by licensed doctors who have specifically been selected…

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