McDermott Law, LLC

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Metlife reverses long-term disability denial of woman with bipolar disorder

This office was once again successful on behalf of a client whose disability benefits were wrongfully denied. These long-term disability benefits governed by the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), and insured by MetLife, have now been reinstated. Ms. S suffered from bipolar disorder, and…

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Life waiver of premium – don’t forget!

Since I am on the issue of life insurance coverage (see my other blog post of today’s date), I take this opportunity to remind all readers of a little known provision likely found in your employer-provided, group life insurance policy — commonly referred to as…

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Be sure to exercise your conversion rights

When leaving an employer, an employee may have the right to “convert” group life insurance coverage into an individual policy. Not all employer-provided group policies offer this conversion right but many do. Most such policies provide the right to convert the group life insurance coverage…

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