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Examples of medical evidence

If you’ve been denied long-term or short-term disability benefits, the reason that the insurance company provided may be that you didn’t give them the proper medical evidence. They do not have enough information to determine if you are actually disabled, so they are going to…

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Reasons your life insurance claim may be denied

Life insurance can offer much-needed benefits to your dependents following the financial impact of your demise. With life insurance benefits, your loved ones can receive the finances they need to maintain the standard of living and/or provide for your dependents. However, it is not uncommon…

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Standard Terminates Benefits from Teacher Suffering from Spinal Impairments

After graduating from college with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and a minor in Special Education, Ms. B enjoyed a successful career as a teacher. Eventually, she received her master’s degree in Special Education. Due to lasting effects from several severe injuries, the teacher…

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First Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company Reverses Disability Insurance Denial of Lung Transplant Claimant

McDermott Law, LLC is pleased to announce another success on behalf of a client whose ERISA long-term disability (LTD) and waiver of life insurancepremium (LWOP) denials have now been overturned by First Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company. Our client suffered from several conditions as a…

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Unum Life Insurance Company Reverses Decision to Terminate Disability Claim of Client Suffering from Chronic Pain

Mr. “F” called our office, through co-counsel, when Unum terminated his long-term disability (LTD) insurance benefits. Although he had been receiving monthly disability benefits for years, Unum claimed he was no longer disabled under the group insurance policy provided by his employer. Because the insurance…

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Liberty Mutual Reverses Long-Term Disability Termination of Woman with Multiple Medical Conditions

Our disability attorneys were recently successful in getting long-term disability benefits reinstated for a woman suffering from numerous medical conditions, including Crohn’s Disease and fibromyalgia. Ms. D had been receiving long-term disability benefits from Liberty Mutual for over two years when Liberty Mutual terminated her…

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