McDermott Law, LLC

Category Archives: Long-Term Disability

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Disability Benefits: Beware Facebook, Linkedin, and All the Rest

Be very careful what you post on your social media sites, such as Facebook and even LinkedIn. Everyone knows Facebook. We have previously posted about the dangers of exposing your personal life for all the world to see, because your disability insurance carrier exists in…

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Is Your Insurance Company Preparing to Terminate Your Long-Term Disability Benefits?

Convincing your insurance company to approve a long-term disability (LTD) claimcan be challenging. Keeping your claim in an approved status can be similarly challenging. After LTD benefits have been approved, insurance companies will continue to review the claim and look for reasons to terminate benefits.…

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Long-Term Disability Benefits & Bipolar Disorder

Individuals suffering from bipolar disorder can experience many difficulties in life. Sufferers of bipolar disorder will experience feelings of depression that alternates with episodes of mania. The symptoms associated with bipolar disorder can render an individual incapable of working and can include hyperactivity, impulsive decision-making,…

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After ERISA Benefit Denials & Appeals: How Much Time Do I Have to File an ERISA Lawsuit?

When an ERISA-governed benefit claim – and subsequent internal appeal – has been denied by the insurance company, a denial claimant may then have the option to file a lawsuit. The question often arises: “How long do I have to file my lawsuit?” The answer…

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3 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Independent Medical Exams for Disability Claims

After filing a short- or long-term disability claim, you may be required by your insurance provider to attend a so-called independent medical exam (IME) (the more appropriate term is Insurance Medical Exam). IMEs are physical exams conducted by licensed doctors who have specifically been selected…

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Are You Protecting Your Paycheck & Financial Future?

Do you rely on your paycheck every month to cover your essential expenses? How long would you be able to support yourself if you were unable to earn a living? Although it can be grim to think about the answers to these life questions, the…

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