McDermott Law, LLC

Category Archives: Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)

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Disability Insurance and ERISA: An Overview

If your disability insurance is provided through your employer, understanding how ERISA may impact your disability claim can be confusing. However, the following overview of how disability insurance and ERISA generally work together can provide you with some important insight as to what to expect…

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401(k) Disability Protection Programs

Some employers offer 401(k) disability protection programs for your 401(k) savings in addition to long-term disability (LTD) coverage. Traditional disability insurance replaces a portion of your working income if you become disabled. However, traditional LTD insurance does not provide the ability to set aside 401(k)…

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5 Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for ERISA Benefits (Pt. 1)

After sustaining a serious injury that impairs your ability to work, you may be entitled to long-term disability benefits under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), an employer-sponsored insurance plan. While ERISA can provide injured workers with the benefits they need to cover the…

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My erisa disability claim appeal was denied; what can I expect now?

So there you are: you submitted an internal appeal of your denied long-term disability claim with your insurance carrier or claim administrator and that appeal has been denied. (hopefully, you have used the services of a qualified and experienced disability attorney to submit your appeal…

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