McDermott Law, LLC

Can I Make a Long-Term Disability Claim in Colorado If Working Puts My Health at Risk? 2025

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Shawn E. McDermott

If you are living with a chronic medical situation where the rigors of a normal job would jeopardize your well-being, you may be wondering, can I make a long-term disability claim in Colorado if working puts my health at risk? The answer here depends on a variety of factors, including the severity and nature of your condition, how it impacts your ability to work, and the type of disability coverage and benefits you have access to.

Seeking long-term disability benefits in Colorado can be a nuanced, multi-faceted, and time-consuming affair. Understanding each part of this process is critical to its outcome, as many steps are time-sensitive, and others require specific legal knowledge for excellent results. It is critical to understand that each case is unique, and for that reason, consulting with an experienced attorney is a great way to explore your options and protect your rights. and consulting with an experienced disability lawyer is a great way to explore your options and protect your rights.

If you are ready to find high-quality, fully personalized legal help with your long-term disability claim, the reputable and successful team of lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, is standing by to assist. From our main offices in Denver, we are proud to help sick and injured Coloradans use the law to their advantage so that they can access the benefits and protections they require to live a safe and healthy existence.

Long-Term Disability (LTD) Claims in Colorado: An Overview

The long-term disability process in the State of Colorado can be overwhelming for people without specific legal training, as it is governed by a network of various state agencies and federal programs. Combine this with the fact that each case is the sum of its many unique factors, and you can understand how long-term disability claim cases that first seemed routine can quickly become complex legal challenges.

Some key concepts can help you better understand your legal situation.

  • Long-Term Disability Insurance – Long-term disability, or LTD, insurance is a type of insurance designed to replace a portion of your income if an injury or medical condition leaves you unable to work for an extended period of time. While it is different from long-term care insurance, both types of insurance can provide financial relief when dealing with a disabling condition or chronic illness. Coverage can vary from person to person, with some plans part of employer-funded group policies, others privately purchased, and still others administered by a state or municipal agency (e.g., Colorado’s Public Employees’ Retirement Association, which offers a special path to retirement through long-term disability for certain state workers).
  • Qualifying for Long-Term Disability – In most cases, qualifying for long-term disability benefits in the State of Colorado requires meeting specific criteria. There are instances where denied long-term disability claims occur, often due to insufficient documentation or policy misunderstandings. This means that your disabling condition must be well-documented by qualified medical care providers and also that the nature of this illness or injury must demonstrably prevent you from working for an extended period (e.g., a year or more).
  • Policy Differences – Because there are many different carriers and plans in the long-term disability insurance arena, it’s important to understand that not all plans are created equal. As with other types of insurance plans, such as health insurance, coverage can vary quite a bit from plan to plan. This is why it’s important to evaluate whether long-term disability insurance is right for you, and to understand the exact limits and terms of your own coverage.”

For example, one plan might only require someone to be unable to perform their current job in order to qualify for long-term disability, while another plan might require the beneficiary to be unable to work in general. In other words, you have to know how your coverage defines “disability” before you can claim benefits for being disabled.

Injuries and Illnesses that Commonly Qualify for Long-Term Disability

If you’re currently struggling at work due to a health condition, you’re probably wondering exactly which medical conditions qualify for long-term disability. While we must once again stress that each case is unique and requires personalized attention for optimal results, there are a few broad categories of conditions that tend to be associated with many successful long-term disability claims. These conditions include:

  • Chronic Illness – Serious illnesses that may qualify for long-term disability can take a wide variety of forms, such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, or even a severe case of untreatable arthritis.
  • Debilitating Injuries – There are all sorts of physical injuries that can result in someone being unable to perform up to standards at their job. These range from broken bones and damaged ligaments to serious head and spine injuries that can leave a person paralyzed.
  • Mental Health Disorders – In the modern world, we understand that not all disabilities are visible. Mental problems like major depressive disorders and PTSD can also qualify someone for long-term disability benefits.
  • Loss of Body Parts – Other long-term disability cases involve the loss of one or more limbs or the total or partial loss of some other crucial body part, such as one or both eyes.

The examples above should definitely not be considered an exhaustive list of situations that might qualify someone in Colorado for long-term disability. When you are ready to receive a personalized analysis of your unique circumstances, please contact the Denver offices of McDermott Law, LLC, to arrange a confidential and compassionate consultation with a member of our world-class legal team.


What Conditions Automatically Qualify You for Disability in Colorado?

There are no conditions that “automatically” qualify you for disability in Colorado, per se, as even cases involving the most obvious injuries and illnesses must be reviewed and processed according to state and federal laws. While serious injuries and illnesses will often qualify a person for disability benefits, each case is unique and depends on the extent of the injury or illness and the coverage available to the disabled individual.

What Illness Qualifies for Long-Term Disability?

Many different illnesses can qualify for long-term disability, so long as they are severe enough to prevent the affected individual from working. This typically needs to be proven through medical records, testimony from doctors, and other documentation before disability benefits can be disbursed.

What Not to Say to a Long-Term Disability Company When They Call?

There are many things you may want to avoid saying to a long-term disability insurance company when they call to talk about your claim, especially if you have concerns that the insurance carrier is trying to deny or delay your coverage. It is wise to say as little as possible, end the call, and let your legal counsel take the lead on all interactions and negotiations with insurance companies.

Can You File for Permanent Disability while Working?

While it may be possible to file for permanent disability while working, this often does not look good when reviewing your claim. There are some exceptions to this, such as if you are underemployed in a low-physicality role but are unable to make a stable living in the field for which you are actually trained due to your severe injury or illness.

Contact Our Lawyers Team to Get Help with Your Long-Term Disability Claim

If you are currently working to make a living, yet you know it is detrimental to your health to do so or find that you are barely able to function at work due to pain or health issues, a long-term disability claim might be the answer to this unsustainable and dangerous situation. McDermott Law, LLC, has a history of success in helping injured Coloradans just like you. Contact our Denver offices today to set up a no-pressure consultation.

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