McDermott Law, LLC

Author Archives: Shawn E. McDermott

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What does an accidental death and dismemberment claim cover?

Even when workers in Colorado are as careful as possible, accidents can still happen. Depending on the circumstances, it may be possible to file an accidental death and dismemberment claim. It’s important to understand what is covered and what is not in this type of…

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What is a disability according to long-term disability claims?

When Coloradans apply for long-term disability benefits, the issue of what is considered a disability will often come into play. The insurance carrier may deny the claim by saying that you are not really disabled. This decision is made on a case-by-case basis. A disability…

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What kinds of back problems can qualify you for disability?

Back pain is a part of life. Some experts believe that up to 80% of people will experience some form of back pain at some point in their lives. But if you suffer from intense, constant and debilitating back pain, it’s a different story. Some…

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How do you recover compensation when you’re partly at fault?

If you are injured in a car accident but are partially responsible for the crash, you may wonder what can happen. There is a rule in the state of Colorado known as the modified comparative negligence 50% rule. What is the modified comparative negligence 50%…

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When denial of an LTD claim is bad faith

Disability in any form may incapacitate you in Denver, Colorado, but a mental health disability is harder to prove, especially if it is long-term. It is difficult for insurance companies to ascertain if someone with this kind of handicap is entitled to some benefits. For…

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Disability insurance and public benefits

People in Colorado are lucky in that they can access public disability benefits if they’re injured on the job or can’t work any longer. Some of them even have private disability insurance. This may be provided as a benefit by an employer. Some people pay…

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