McDermott Law, LLC

Author Archives: Shawn E. McDermott

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How can you strengthen an appeal on a denied disability claim?

Unfortunately, not all insurance claims find success right away. Sometimes, the insurance company will deny a claim over form errors or accidental mistakes. Other times, claims are denied because of doubt over the claimant’s disability. If you receive a notice of denial, please do not…

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Short-term disability insurance and maternity leave

Last year, Colorado voters approved a ballot measure that will require most employers in the state to provide up to 12 weeks of paid, job-protected family and medical leave (and up to 16 weeks if medical complications warrant). That will put us ahead of many…

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Does ERISA govern all private disability benefits?

Disability benefits are an important safety net that many people ignore until they need. Some people don’t have any disability coverage protecting them other than benefits possibly available through the Social Security Administration. Every worker in the country has to pay taxes toward Social Security…

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3 car safety checks to perform before leaving

Routine maintenance and safety checks can be beneficial at any time of year. However, as winter approaches, certain safety measures may be particularly relevant. One of the most effective ways to prevent road traffic accidents is to take preventative steps. Many of these can be…

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Can you bring a bad faith claim against your disability insurer?

When you take out short-term disability (STD) or long-term disability (LTD) insurance, you agree with the insurer that both of you will act in good faith. You cannot lodge false or exaggerated claims, and they cannot deny or delay claims without a valid reason. Yet,…

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How do beneficiaries handle a life insurance claim?

Life insurance policies serve a vital purpose. When the policyholder passes away, the beneficiaries could immediately file a claim and use the funds to cover numerous financial obligations ranging from funeral and household expenses to a child’s educational costs. Colorado residents might find the claims…

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