McDermott Law, LLC

A dismemberment claim can address more than just limbs

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Shawn E. McDermott

When many people consider an accidental death and dismemberment (AD&D) claim, they think about the loss of a limb. It is clear that someone who has lost a leg will have mobility issues or that someone who has lost an arm may not be able to work in their career. There are serious costs and life changes from these types of dismemberments, no matter how they occur. These are the kind of injuries that do not heal, and things will not be the same again.

While these are good examples of dismemberment claims, it is important to remember that they do not only address limbs. It is not just the hands, feet, legs and arms that can be noted under these claims. The loss of other body parts may also qualify.

Examples of other dismemberment claims

For instance, a serious injury could lead to the loss of one or both eyes, meaning vision is altered or lost. An entire sense has been removed. This can still count as dismemberment and may even have a more drastic impact on someone’s life than losing a leg or an arm.

Other examples could be physical losses that impact speech, smell or hearing. Damage to the tongue, nose or ears can change how someone communicates or perceives the world. Once again, complete senses can be lost, even with relatively small body parts.

Seeking what you deserve

If you have gone through one of these changes due to severe injuries, it can be frustrating to have your claim denied. Never assume that you just have to accept this. Take the time to look into your legal options and consider every step you can take to seek what you truly deserve in this difficult situation.

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