McDermott Law, LLC

Case Result: McDermott Law gets insurance company to pay long-term care benefits and more

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Shawn E. McDermott

McDermott Law recently helped a client settle a claim for insurance benefits against his mother’s long-term care insurance company. The facts of this claim were particularly egregious. In the early 1990s, the insurance company convinced our client’s mother to pay it money each month in exchange for a promise that it would provide her with insurance benefits if she ever needed assisted living or nursing home care. And, by the time she asked the insurance company to keep that promise in 2017, she had already paid the insurance company over $50,000 in insurance premiums. However, when the client’s mother required assisted living and nursing care home for over a year and a half before her passing, the insurance company largely ignored her requests and during that time — 18 months — paid for just one month of benefits. That, of course, left our client facing a large bill to pay out of his mother’s estate, and when he asked the insurance company to pay the outstanding bills, it ignored him, too. Worse yet, the insurance company continued to send letters to the insured requesting over $8,000 for her annual premium payment — for months after it knew she had died.

Sick of dealing with the insurance company himself, our client contacted McDermott Law for help. Not only did the insurance lawyers at McDermott Law get the insurance company to pay the full amount of benefits owed under the long-term care insurance policy; using Colorado’s unique laws requiring prompt payment of insurance benefits, we convinced the insurance company to settle the lawsuit by paying twice that amount, plus our client’s attorneys’ fees.

Obviously, each case is different, and we cannot guarantee a similar result in every case. But, if this story sounds all too familiar to you or a loved one, then contact McDermott Law today to see if we can help you, too.

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