McDermott Law, LLC

Some information about short-term disability benefits

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Shawn E. McDermott

Short-term disability benefits help employees in Colorado support themselves while they recover from an injury or illness. If you recover within the time frame, you’ll be able to stop collecting disability and go back to work. However, your situation might change if you’re not ready to return to work after it dries up.

What if short-term disability isn’t enough?

If you’re injured at work, short-term disability benefits can help you support yourself during your recovery time. However, you might reach the end of your STD term and realize that you won’t be able to go back to work any time soon. What can you do if you can’t extend your claim?

Fortunately, a disability claims attorney could help you transition from short-term disability to long-term disability. You might have to reapply for disability benefits and provide medical records that show that you’re too injured to go back to work. Your condition will also have to meet the definition of a long-term disability before you can qualify.

If your disability is so severe that you can’t hold a job anywhere, you might have to apply for Social Security Disability benefits. An attorney could help you figure out the best route.

How can you support yourself if you can’t work?

Depending on your situation, you might have several options for disability insurance. If you think you can go back to work within three to six months, your attorney could help you file for short-term disability insurance. This typically covers anywhere from 60% to 100% of your regular income.

If you won’t be able to go back to work for a long time, your attorney could help you seek long-term disability insurance. You might have to stay on disability insurance permanently if your disability is severe enough.

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