McDermott Law, LLC

Independent medical exams for short-term disability claims

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Shawn E. McDermott

Short-term disability benefits or STD benefits provide income for those who miss work for at least seven days. If a person cannot perform his or her job duties, then he or she may deserve 60 to 100 percent of pre-disability earnings.

When you apply for STD benefits, you may have to prove your disability. To prove your injuries or disability, you may have to undergo an independent medical exam.

What to expect from the doctor

The doctor, according to the Independent Medical Exam Care Center, is a third-party doctor. This doctor is supposed to be unbiased about your case. He or she is a consultant. The physician will not treat you or be responsible for any long-term health or treatment options. Your exam is also not confidential. With your typical doctor, you have a confidentiality agreement. With an independent doctor, it is his or her job to report the exam findings.

How to prepare for the appointment

Before you arrive at your appointment, you may want to prepare. Doctors may ask about your injury history, your current symptoms and how the injury happened. You need to be able to answer all possible questions concisely. Since this will be a new doctor, you should arrive early so that you can relax and prepare yourself for the exam in the waiting room. You will also need to fill out forms that the medical facility provides.

To qualify for STD benefits, you may have to have an independent medical exam. To find out more about the benefits provided and how to qualify, visit our web page.

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