McDermott Law, LLC

How a medical evaluation can help during a disability appeal

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Shawn E. McDermott

Someone in need of disability benefits will submit an application to the insurance company, an action which hopefully results in weekly benefits. Some people have benefits provided by their employers, while other people have disability policies that they purchase on their own to protect themselves and their dependent family members only financial devastation that would result if they become unable to work.

Unfortunately, the companies that provide disability insurance don’t always faithfully uphold their policies. Sometimes, individuals with valid claims get denied benefits. They may need to appeal to get the coverage they or their employer purchased. In some cases, a functional assessment could help an applicant hoping to appeal.

What is a functional assessment?

As someone might be able to infer from the name, a functional assessment involves evaluating the impact of a medical condition and reviewing someone’s physical capabilities in a professional setting. These extensive tests often start before someone even enters a facility, as the professional evaluating their condition may monitor them from inside or watch security footage to see how they exit their vehicle and walk across the parking lot.

From there, the medical professional will administer tests to determine the validity of the injury by seeking to evaluate whether someone has faked their symptoms. They will also perform tests that establish how much impact the medical condition has on someone’s functions. The report from such testing can be an important piece of evidence during an appeal.

The more documentation that someone has affirming their condition, the better their chances of getting benefits. Documenting the effects of a medical condition will be crucial for those hoping to secure long-term disability benefits.

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