McDermott Law, LLC

Standard Terminates Benefits from Teacher Suffering from Spinal Impairments

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Shawn E. McDermott

After graduating from college with a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and a minor in Special Education, Ms. B enjoyed a successful career as a teacher. Eventually, she received her master’s degree in Special Education.

Due to lasting effects from several severe injuries, the teacher had to relinquish most of the important aspects of her life, including teaching children with special needs, and apply for short term disability (“STD”) benefits through Standard Insurance Company.

Standard initially approved the teacher’s claim for benefits for just three days, claiming they needed more information to determine if she continued to meet the definition of disability. After six months of continuing its review, Standard denied the teacher’s claim. Relying on a review from a Medical Consultant, Standard claimed medical information did not support the teacher’s inability to perform her own occupation of a special education teacher.

McDermott Law, LLC filed an appeal on the teacher’s behalf, stating that the evidence already in Standard’s possession fully supports her claim for benefits.

After a thorough review of the appeal, Standard agreed that the teacher met the group policy’s definition of disability and reinstated her benefits.

If you or a loved one have any questions relating to the termination of your disability benefits, contact Denver Disability Lawyer Shawn McDermott for clear, helpful answers.

Call 303-964-1800 or Email McDermott Law, LLC
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Attorney Shawn McDermott has a proven record of successfully going up against insurance companies to help his clients secure the benefits they deserve.

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