McDermott Law, LLC

Personal injury help for traumatic brain injury sufferers

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Shawn E. McDermott

Traumatic brain injuries can create a great deal of tumult in the lives of victims and their families. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can be suffered in car accident when a bump, blow or jolt to the head disrupts the victim’s normal brain activity.

Life with a traumatic brain injury

Victims of traumatic brain injuries may suffer a variety of different symptoms and challenges following their injury including:

  • Sensory symptoms – victims of traumatic brain injuries may suffer problems with hearing and vision following their brain injury.
  • Physical symptoms – victims of traumatic brain injuries may suffer problems with balance, dizziness, nausea, headaches and other physical symptoms following their brain injury.
  • Cognitive symptoms – victims of traumatic brain injuries may suffer problems with thinking, focus, concentration and memory following their brain injury.
  • Emotional symptoms – victims of traumatic brain injuries may suffer problems with depression, mood disruptions and changes in personality.

The symptoms of a traumatic brain injury can make it difficult, and impossible in some situations, for victims to return to their lives following their injury. Victims can struggle with everyday activities and maintaining a job and relationships. Traumatic brain injuries can be costly to treat and can, overall, be both emotionally and financially costly to victims and their families.

It is essential to be aware that legal protections can help hold a negligent driver responsible for causing a car accident and a TBI accountable. Because car accidents are second-leading cause of traumatic brain injuries, it is crucial for victims and their families to know how personal injury legal protections may be able to help them with the harm a negligent driver has caused when a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury.

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