McDermott Law, LLC

What should you expect if you file a PERA disability claim?

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Shawn E. McDermott

In Colorado, public employees can look forward to a robust safety net should they face debilitating health issues that prevent them from working. This is thanks to the Colorado Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA), which offers its members disability retirement benefits.

While navigating disability is undoubtedly challenging, the PERA disability retirement program is built with the understanding that employees should not have to worry about financial stability during such times. Some of the benefits you may receive include:

Monthly payments

Eligible members can expect a monthly income benefit to help cushion the financial blow that often accompanies disability. This financial assistance is determined by your highest average salary and the amount of service credit you’ve accrued during your employment. It’s designed to provide substantial financial security even if your disability arises relatively early in your career.

Health insurance subsidy

Another key benefit is the health insurance subsidy. For those who qualify, PERA offers a health care program that can dramatically reduce the costs of necessary medical care. This subsidy is especially valuable considering that healthcare costs often rise steeply for those dealing with disability.

Together, these two benefits can provide stability for the person while they’re unable to work. Coupled with the support system, beneficiaries can have greater peace of mind as they work to heal and adjust to life with the disability. Getting the benefit you’re due might prove to be a bit of a challenge, so you should seek experienced legal guidance from someone who’s familiar with this program and the process of obtaining benefits.

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