McDermott Law, LLC

Tips for Safe Motorcycle Riding on Icy Roads in Colorado

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Shawn E. McDermott

During the winter, ice on the roads is a significant hazard for motorcycle riders (as well as for other drivers) because icy roads make it substantially more difficult to slow, stop, steer or otherwise maneuver a motorcycle. Icy roads and cold temperatures can increase the likelihood that motorcycle equipment will not work properly (for example, icy conditions can increase the chances of brakes locking up). Given these facts, it’s important that motorcycle riders:

  • Are especially careful when riding on icy roads
  • Are aware of defensive riding techniques in order to reduce their risk of getting into serious motorcycle accidents

Tips For Riding On Icy Roads in Colorado

The following are some tips that can help reduce the risk of motorcycle accidents when there is ice on the roads:

  • Avoid riding on “black ice” – Black ice refers to icy areas that do not get a lot of sunlight and that, therefore, appear to be as black as the pavement. These areas can be deceptively slick to riders who may not even be able to see that there is ice on the ground. If riding in shady areas is necessary, be sure to go very slowly.
  • Apply the brakes well in advance – Because icy roads provide less traction between a motorcycle’s tires and the road, it takes longer for riders to effectively slow down and stop their motorcycles. To compensate for this, be sure to apply the brakes well in advance of a planned stop.
  • Keep additional distance between you and the driver in front of you – Following other drivers too closely can increase the risk of accidents, especially on slick and icy roadways. Having additional distance between you and the driver ahead of you will ensure that you give yourself enough room to effectively apply the motorcycle’s brakes.
  • Properly maintain your motorcycle – Making sure that your motorcycle is properly maintained is essential to ensuring that it performs as it should even in icy or otherwise unfavorable weather conditions.

Denver, Colorado, Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

If you or a loved one has recently been injured in a motorcycle accident, you will need an aggressive, experienced attorney who will fight for your rights and help you obtain the compensation you need and deserve. For more than 20 years, the Denver motorcycle accident lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, have been dedicated to helping motorcycle accident victims secure the maximum possible compensation for their injuries and losses.

Our trusted motorcycle accident lawyers have extensive knowledge of personal injury law who can build the strongest possible cases. When you work with our respected legal professionals, you can rest assured that you will receive top-notch representation for your motorcycle accident claim and that you have the best chances of resolving your case as favorably and efficiently as possible.

Contact Us

You may have a personal injury case if you have suffered serious injuries (physical or emotional) as the result of another party’s negligence, accidental wrongdoing or strict liability. However, only a lawyer can determine if the facts of the case make it worth pursuing in court. The Denver personal injury and insurance dispute lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, can give honest legal advice to those who may have a case. For a case review, complete our contact form or call us at 303-964-1800 today.

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