McDermott Law, LLC

Rear-End Motorcycle Accident in Colorado: All You Need To Know

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Shawn E. McDermott

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), approximately 11% of all motorcycle accidents that involved other vehicles (namely passenger vehicles) were rear-ending accidents. While about 68% of these rear-end motorcycle accidents involved the car being in front of the motorcycle (i.e., the motorcycle being the striking vehicle), in nearly 30% of reported rear-end motorcycle accidents, the rider was positioned in front of the striking passenger vehicle.

Rear-End Motorcycle Accidents: When The Car Is In Front of The Motorcycle

When motorcycle riders are behind vehicles and are involved in rear-end motorcycle accidents, some of the factors that can cause or contribute to the occurrence of these types of accidents include:

  • Drivers suddenly stopping their vehicles in front of riders without any warning or indication to the rider (This can be due to drivers suddenly seeing objects in the road, drivers failing to be alert to crucial visual cues like changing signals and/or drivers braking because they are cut off by other drivers.)
  • Drivers cutting off motorcycle riders
  • Vehicles not having functioning brake lights
  • Motorcycle braking equipment malfunctions (i.e., motorcycles do not slow down or stop despite the rider’s attempt to apply the brakes).

Rear-End Motorcycle Accidents: When The Car Is Behind The Motorcycle

Alternately, motorcycle riders may be rear-ended by other drivers when:

  • Other drivers are distracted or are not paying attention to the road (For example, drivers using their cellphones may not be alert to the fact that a motorcycle rider has stopped at a red light at the intersection in front of them).
  • Other drivers are intoxicated and, as a result, have slower reaction times.
  • The brakes or other equipment on the vehicle fail to work properly, causing the vehicle to slam into the motorcycle.

Regardless of whether the motorcycle is in front of or behind a vehicle when a rear-end accident occurs, it’s likely that the rider will be thrown from his motorcycle and sustain serious injuries upon hitting the ground (or another vehicle).

Setting Up A Consult With Our Denver, Colorado, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

For more than 20 years, the Denver motorcycle accident lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, have been successfully standing up to insurance companies and defense lawyers to ensure that victims are able to obtain the maximum possible settlements for their losses. While our extensive knowledge of personal injury law makes us highly effective negotiators outside of court, our vast litigating experience makes us fierce litigators in court when it’s necessary to take a case to trial.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a rear-end motorcycle accident – or in any type of motorcycle accident, contact our experienced Denver motorcycle accident attorneys. We will aggressively fight for your rights and help you secure the compensation you need and deserve.

Contact Us

You may have a personal injury case if you have suffered serious injuries (physical or emotional) as the result of another party’s negligence, accidental wrongdoing or strict liability. However, only a lawyer can determine if the facts of the case make it worth pursuing in court. The Denver personal injury and insurance dispute lawyers at McDermott Law, LLC, can give honest legal advice to those who may have a case. For a case review, complete our contact form or call us at 303-964-1800 today.

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